Entrepreneurial Support Program(Explore Course)

Motoshi Hayano
Principal Investigator
KEIO University

Motoshi Hayano

Adopted Theme

Drug discovery platform associated with aging and sarcopenia

Subject of Research
Drug discovery platform associated with aging and sarcopenia

We aim to establish a drug discovery platform associated with aging and to conduct a validation (PoC) study of the platform's efficacy. Currently, we have lead compounds (OK-1, E-1, E-2 and analogs) that have shown efficacy against sarcopenia and dementia. In addition, AI based data analysis of gene expression with lead compounds has indicate a list of candidate compounds targeting to aging. The drug discovery platform we develop in this project uses a cell-based system based on a novel MoA, such as Wnt/β - catenine, RhoA-GTP and Notch pathway.

Business Models(when applying)

Although sarcopenia was defined as a disease by WHO in 2016, there has been no FDA approved drug yet. We have shown that OK-1, E-1, and E-2 have an effect on muscle mass and muscle strength. We aims to develop a novel treatment for the patient who has acute sarcopenia by bone fracture and infection. We also consider to license OK-1, E-1, and E-2 to pharmaceutical companies targeting aging hallmarks to develop a treatment for aging associated diseases such as dementia, AMD and heart failure.

Activity Planning(when applying)
Activity Planning(when applying)の画像

We use OK-1, E-1, E-2 as lead compounds to confirm a novel MoA in sarcopenia. We perform cell growth, differentiation and gene expression analysis using myotube cell lines. Wnt/β - catenin pathway, GTP pathway, and Notch pathway are main targets for aging and sarcopenia in this project. In addition, we have a list of OK-1 and E2 analogs, OK-2~7 and E3~15, and other approved drug as new compound candidates for sarcopenia and aging associate diseases. These compounds will be evaluated in in vitro assay to establish a novel drug discovery platform associated with aging. The platform will be used to identify a novel treatment including compounds to characterize and optimize it. In parallel, OK-1 will be developed as an oral drug and its efficacy and pharmacokinetics will be confirmed in experimental animals. Since E-1 is an approved drug, we confirm the efficacy of E-1 for muscle strength through clinical data analysis and biomarker analysis of sarcopenia.
