The Greater Tokyo Innovation Ecosystem (GTIE) platform designed to "nurture University Startups that can change the world" is hosted by the University of Tokyo, the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Waseda University and other organizations. GTIE supports the approaches made by the Startup Ecosystem Tokyo Consortium established in January 2020.
GTIE aims to form startup ecosystems in the Greater Tokyo in cooperation with universities, local governments, venture capital, corporate venture capital, accelerators, and private companies in the Metropolitan area. The Tokyo Metropolitan Government plays the role of managing local government in cooperation with a joint organization composed of 14 universities and supporting agencies for university-originated startups, and cooperative organizations composed of universities, and other local governments.
Since April 2009, he has been a Professor of the Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo. In April 2015, he became a chief Scientist at RIKEN (Institute of Physical and Chemical Research). From April 2020 to March 2023, he served as the Dean of the Graduate School of Engineering and the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Tokyo. As of April 2023, he assumed the role of Executive Director and Vice President of the University of Tokyo, a position he currently holds. He received the 16th Leo Esaki Prize and the Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in 2019.
coming soon
After serving as an Assistant, Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Professor, and the Dean of the School of Computing, he assumed his current position in April 2018. He also taught as a Guest Assistant Professor at UC Santa Barbara (1987-1988) and Senior Scientific Research Specialist at the Ministry of Education (1995-1997). Japan IBM Science Award (1992); Science and Technology Award given by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (2008); and more.
After serving at the University of Tokyo, Shibaura Institute of Technology, and Hosei University, he joined Tokyo Institute of Technology in 2010. To date, he has served as a Guest Professor at Nagoya University, Guest Professor at Hamburg University of Technology (2014-2015), Guest Researcher at ETH Zurich (2017 and 2019). Received the 2011 Tokyo Tech Challenging Research Award.
After working at Boston Consulting Group, Corporate Directions (Founding partner), etc., He became an academic staff teaching the Corporate Sponsored Research Program of the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo in 2002/ 2004: Professor, Division of University Corporate Relations, The University of Tokyo; General Manager, Office of Science Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development, The niversity of Tokyo/ 2004-2013: Corporate Auditor, The University of Tokyo Edge Capital Partners Co., Ltd./ April 2020: Assumed his current position/ President, The Japan Academic Society for Ventures and Entrepreneurs (JASVE)/ 2015: Received the 1st Shuichi Matsuda's JASVE Award
As the Director of Waseda University Center for Entrepreneurship, he supports faculty members and students starting businesses. For over 45 years, he has studied disaster-causing mechanism in coastal areas due to tsunami, high tides and waves employing field surveys, numerical predictions, and hydraulic tests. He assumed the position of leader of on-site investigation teams for a wide range of disasters including the Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004, the tsunami caused by the Tohoku Region Pacific Coast Earthquake in 2011, and Palu Bay tsunami and Sunda Strait tsunamis in 2018, established a wide range of countermeasures designed for individual states with people in the areas, and cultivated specialists capable of engaging in disaster control studies.
In addition to the host and joint organizations, the following cooperative organizations are participating in GTIE.