

November 24 (Fri.) 17:30- What does the pursuit of the user perspective bring to startups? -Practice of business design assembled from research

INDEST, an incubation office operated by Tokyo Institute of Technology on its Tamachi campus, is currently hosting a variety of events.
The 10th event will focus on the 1st STEP [ Empathize: “empathy” (user research)] of “design thinking,” which is advocated by the d.school, a design school at Stanford University, and has been introduced in hardware and software over the past decade.

[Empathize-> Define-> Design Define-> ③Ideate-> ④Prototype-> ⑤Test ]
Design Thinking is a framework for promoting creativity and innovation and effectively guiding the problem-solving process.

The word “design” does not simply refer to the pursuit of beauty and ease of use, but to designer-like thinking in general, which explores people’s needs and enriches their lives with breakthrough ideas. Design has also been introduced as an educational program at the university, especially in the Engineering Design Course (ESD Course), and it is now commonplace to talk about design in the context of business. Why is “design” so important for start-ups?
What is the user-centered approach that is indispensable for any company, regardless of its size or stage, to carry out its business?
How can we improve the user research we have been doing on our own?
We hope that this seminar will help you find the answers to these questions. We look forward to your participation.

-Date: Friday, November 24, 2023, 17:30-19:30 (on-site/online participation: hybrid format)
Location: INDEST 4F Lounge (tentative)
-Theme: “What does the pursuit of user perspective bring to startups? -Practice of business design assembled from research” -Location: INDEST 4F lounge
Lecturer: D4V Partner: Asumi Ota, Design Director: Ryo Takahashi
Capacity: First 20 on-site participants (no limit for online participants )
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