

Science Idea Thon Held to Create Startups Using Technology Seeds of GTIE Tsukuba Base

An idea-thon event will be held in Mito City to create momentum for startup creation in a region (Hitachi, Naka, Tokai, and Mito) with a high concentration of research institutes and universities that are conducting energy-related research!
In this region, there are many facilities (University of Tokyo, QST, KEK, JAEA, Ibaraki University, etc. (some are in process)) of participating institutions of the Greater Tokyo Innovation Ecosystem (hereinafter referred to as “GTIE”), and it can be said that the soil for researchers with technology seeds (start-ups, etc.) to be active is well prepared. It can be said that the area is well prepared for researchers with technological seeds (start-ups, etc.). Furthermore, the location of Tsukuba Science City (where the University of Tsukuba and many national institutes are concentrated) within a 50 km radius and Tokyo, the center of the Japanese economy, within a 100 km radius provide opportunities to easily build relationships with people from various backgrounds, including those who belong to all participating organizations in GTIE.
In order to promote the entrepreneurship of such researchers with technology seeds, this event will hold an idea-thon workshop to match “researchers with technology seeds x start-up supporters such as universities and research institutes x incubators such as VCs and CVCs”.
We are looking forward to your participation regardless of your region, regardless of your interest in energy or environment-related research or entrepreneurship. We look forward to your participation!

[ Program of the day (tentative) ] Tuesday, October 1, 13:45-18:00 (doors open at 13:15)
*Speaker times are subject to change depending on the availability of the speakers.

13:15- Doors open
13:45-13:50 Opening remarks
Mitsuru Kaneno, Director and Vice President, Ibaraki University
13:50~14:05 Introduction of GTIE Project
Prof.Masaharu Tsujimoto, Vice President (Entrepreneurship Support), Research and Industry Alliances Division, School of Environmental and Social Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
14:05~14:25 Keynote Speech 1 [Entrepreneurship Education that Universities Should Fulfill (tentative)]
Prof. Hiroya Igarashi, University of Tsukuba
14:25-14:45 Keynote Speech 2 [Creating the Future of Environmental Energy with Startups
Dr. Junko Takeuchi,Director and Chief Researcher, International Institute for Environmental Economics and Management, Tohoku University, Co-Chair of U3 Innovations, LLC
14:45-15:00 Break
15:00-17:00 Workshop
17:00-17:05 Closing Remarks
Yoshitaka Nishino, Councilor/Professor, International Industry-Academia Collaboration Division, University of Tsukuba
17:15-18:00 Networking (with PR time)

*Whether you are a workshop participant or a spectator (on-site), we look forward to seeing you there. For registration, please click here*.
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[Event Summary ]
Date & Time
Tuesday, October 1, 13:45-18:00 (doors open at 13:15)
Mito Civic Hall (South side, 3rd floor large conference room)
1-7-1 Izumi-cho, Mito, Ibaraki 310-0026, Japan
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*A shuttle bus will be available from Tsukuba City to the venue. (Service hours will be announced at a later date.

Participation Fee
Free of charge

Number of participants
Workshop participants (on-site only): 60
on-site : 40 people
Viewing (online): 40 people

Expected Participants
Researchers with technology seeds (engineers, venture companies (seed/early stage) , etc.)
Startup supporters from universities and research institutes (industry-affiliated people, etc.)
Incubators such as VC and CVC (accelerators, venture companies (middle and later stage) , etc.)

On-site + online
*Participation in the workshop is on-site only.
*Online link will be sent to those who apply for online viewing.

Hosted by
Ibaraki University

Co-organized by
University of Tsukuba (under application)

Application deadline
September 23, 2024 (Monday) 18:00
*On-site participation will be on a first-come, first-served basis due to the venue.

Please refrain from video recording during the lecture.

For inquiries, please contact
Science Idea-thon Management Office [ in GTIE Office, Ibaraki University ] Science Idea-thon Management Office
Administrative trustee: Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu LLC
Contact person: Ono, Goto, Funaki