

Determination of Adopters for GAP Fund FY2024 Entry Course (1st round)

Greater Tokyo Innovation Ecosystem (GTIE) has selected 15 entry courses for the GAP Fund for FY2024 (1st round) as follows.

List ofGTIE GAPFund Selectees


Entry Course (Number of adopted entries: 15)

Name Organization Title Title of Proposal
Yuji Honda Tokyo Institute of Technology Assistant Professor Development of biopharmaceuticals using novel drug delivery systems
Masayuki Tera Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Associate Professor Commercialization of Basic Technology for Gene-Targeted Small Molecular Drugs
Kosuke Kusamori Tokyo University of Science Associate Professor Development of Highly Functional Cellular Medicines Based on Mitochondrial Transfection Technology
Takeharu Hayashi Tokai University Professor, Tokai University Toward the provision of novel therapeutic agents for cardiomyopathy
Hironobu Arita Tokyo University of Science Tokyo University of Science
Tokyo University of Science, 2nd year
Development of new drugs to prevent deaths due to acute opioid intoxication
Shintaro Iwasaki RIKEN Senior Researcher Development of a screening system for drugs for mitochondrial diseases using intramitochondrial translation as an indicator
Yukiharu Ogawa Chiba University Professor, Chiba University Research on Social Implementation of Carbohydrate Digestibility Regulating Rice for Zero-Prevention of Lifestyle-related Diseases
Kozo Okada Yokohama City University Associate Professor Research and Development of Novel Biomarkers for Prediction of Heart Failure Using Machine Learning Models of Facial Expression and Voice
Isao Yotanda Tokyo University of Science Associate Professor Development and marketing of smart helmets equipped with a health management system to protect the safety and security of outdoor workers
Toshihiro Isobe Tokyo Institute of Technology Associate Professor Creation of Superlative Ceramics by Fusion of Lost Technology and Advanced Technology -Integrating Cultural Inheritance and International Exchange
Shogo Arai Tokyo University of Science Associate Professor, Tokyo University of Science Research and Development of the World’s First Service Robot for Removing/Storing Goods to Improve Well-Being
Tetsuo Nohara Tokai University Research Fellow CO2 Absorption and Recovery System Using Atomization Technology on Vehicles
Shigenori Saito Tokyo Institute of Technology Professor Electrostatic Adsorption Handling System for Large-Area Ultra-Thin Semiconductor Wafers for Power Semiconductor Manufacturing
Takashi Ueno Tokyo Institute of Technology Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology Social Implementation of Protein Crystal Material (PCM)
Yasuki Okuno RIKEN Researcher Practical Application of 3D Neutron Distribution Evaluation System for Boron Neutron Capture Cancer Therapy (BNCT)

Please click here for the details of the selected applicants .

Contact : GTIE Secretariat (Tokyo Institute of Technology)