

GTIE Commercialization Promotion Organization (Candidate) 6th Adopted Organization Determination

One additional institution has been selected to promote the commercialization of researchers in the GTIE GAP Fund Program.

The 6th round: 1 organization

Click here for information on the 14 institutions selected from the 1st to 6th rounds.

Currently, the Greater Tokyo Innovation Ecosystem (GTIE) (“GTIE”) is accepting applications for its Entrepreneurship Activity Support Program (GAP Fund Program), which targets research and development proposals and business development by researchers belonging to GTIE’s lead and start-up collaborating institutions.

The GTIE commercialization promotion organizations (candidates) selected this time will promote R&D activities aiming at starting a business or obtaining next-stage R&D funds (JST, NEDO, etc.) together with researchers selected for the GTIE GAP Fund.

Recruitment of GTIE Commercialization Promotion Organizations (Candidates)
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(Reference) Participating universities in the GTIE platform (17 institutions)
The University of Tokyo Waseda University Tokyo Institute of Technology University of Tsukuba
Chiba University Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Yokohama City University Kanagawa University of Health and Welfare
Tokyo Medical and Dental University Keio University Tokyo Metropolitan University Shibaura Institute of Technology
Tokyo University of Science Ibaraki University The University of Electro-Communications Tokai University RIKEN

For inquiries, please contact
<GTIE Tokyo Institute of Technology Secretariat
Innovation Design Organization, Research and Industry-Academia Collaboration Division