

GTIE GAP Fund Future Offering Schedule (from the second half of FY2024 onward)

Purpose and Objectives
The GlobalTokyoInnovationEcosystem (GTIE) (hereinafter referred to as “GTIE”) aims to create university-launched ventures aiming for the global market based on innovative technology seeds from universities (*) participating in the GTIE platform and university-launched ventures with high social impact that also contribute to achieving the SDGs. GTIE Gap Fund 2024 is a research and development program for researchers belonging to GTIE’s lead and startup creation partner institutions (SU creation partner institutions).

1. target
Research proposals (GAP Funds) that aim to bridge the gap between research results and commercialization at research institutes by brushing up business models, producing prototypes, acquiring data (experimental and computational results) for hypothesis testing, and conducting market validation in Japan and the U.S., with the aim of commercialization.
*The GAP Fund does not cover research that does not aim at commercialization, or the implementation of company business and preparation (registration, etc.).

2. Outline of the GAP Fund
(1) Courses to be offered
( 1) Overseas Market Development Practice
( 2 ) Explore (2 years)
( 3) Explore (3 years)
( 4) Entry course
( 5) Incremental recruitment

(2) Research and Development Period
The following periods from the date of adoption
( 1 ) Overseas market development practice: Maximum of about 1 year
( 2 ) Explore (2 years): Maximum of about 2 years
( 3 ) Explore (3 years): Maximum of about 3 years
4)Entry course: Maximum of 1 year
5)Increase Application: Same as the remaining period of each of 2) and 3)
*” Adoption date” refers to the date when the plan is submitted to JST and approved, not the date when GTIE is notified of the selection result.
*In the case of a course to be implemented for multiple years, stage-gate review will be conducted every year.

(3) Research and development expenses (GAP Fund)
Per proposal
( 1) Overseas Market Development Practice: Maximum of 28 million yen
( 2 ) Explore (2 years): Up to 60 million yen (30 million yen in the first year)*
3)Explore (3 years): Up to 60 million yen (15 million yen for the first year)*
4)Entry course: Maximum of 5 million yen
( 5 ) Increased application amount: Up to a maximum of 100 million yen in total (the difference from the amount adopted for Exploratory)

(4) Eligibility
For 1) to 3) and 5), please refer to the following
(1) Faculty members belonging to the lead institution of the GTIE platform or each university that is an SU creation promotion institution
(2) Faculty members who fall under (1) above who can apply jointly with a commercialization promotion organization (VC).
( 3) Faculty members and graduate students belonging to the lead institution of the GTIE platform or the university that promotes the creation of SUs for (4)

*Lead Institutions and SU Creation Promotion Institutions
The University of Tokyo, Waseda University, Tokyo Institute of Technology, University of Tsukuba, Chiba University, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Yokohama City University, Kanagawa University of Health and Welfare, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Keio University, Shibaura Institute of Technology, Tokyo University of Science, University of Electro-Communications, Ibaraki University, Tokai University, RIKEN

(5) Recruitment schedule (tentative)

Course name Application Period Screening
(Interviews scheduled)
(in GTIE)
Start of research
(JST approval)
1) Overseas market development practice Dec. Second half of the following Feb. Second half of the following Feb. Mid-April of the following year
(2) Explore (2 years) Dec. following Feb/Mar following Feb/Mar the following Apr*.
(3) Explore (3 years) Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above* (2 years)
Jun. Aug/Sep Aug/Sep Oct.
(4) Entry Course Sep. Nov/Dec Nov/Dec Jan. following
Apr. Jun/Jul Jun/Jul Jul.
5)Increase recruitment Dec. following Feb/Mar the following Feb/Mar the following April*.

*The above application period is scheduled from September 2024 to March 2028.
For 2 ) and 3) starting in April, the application schedule will be moved up one month for the final year only.
*The above is a schedule and is subject to change.