

GTIE SEP2024 Kickoff was held!

The GTIE Student Entrepreneurship Program (GTI-SEP) 2024 Kickoff was held on Wednesday,August28,2024 at INDEST, Tamachi Campus of Tokyo University of Technology. Twenty students from eight GTIE participating universities (University of Tokyo, Waseda University, Tokyo Institute of Technology, University of Tsukuba, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Keio University, Shibaura Institute of Technology, and Tokyo University of Science) participated in the event, providing an opportunity for exchange across universities, grades and majors.

Let’s learn new skills to generate ideas and solve problems through design thinking! In the kick-off session, Mr. Takashi Tsutsumi (President of Startup Brain Co., Ltd.) was invited as a lecturer, and students learned about job theory and design thinking, and practiced in one day how to come up with and present business ideas from “bad experiences” brought by individual students.

*The “disadvantages” of “experiences of disadvantages” are the “dissatisfaction,” “inconvenience,” “anxiety,” “trouble,” “worries,” “problems,” and “inefficiency” around us. Everyday problems are the seeds of business.

The Kick-Off Teams will work together to discuss how to turn their problems into business opportunities.

The Kickoff concludes with a presentation of each team’s business idea. In addition to the participating students, faculty members from GTIE University will provide feedback on their ideas and opinions.

There will also be an ice break before the lecture. Activities using the whole body and creating portraits of teammates. The audience is relaxed by the demonstrations of the GTIE University professors who participated in the kick-off.

[ Impressions from participants ].

  • I am interested in entrepreneurship education and this was my first time to participate. Today’s lecture and work were very interesting because I was able to learn not only about entrepreneurship but also the practical aspects in detail.
  • I have already started my own business, but I participated because I wanted to have an opportunity to consult more about business plans, registration, and other matters. I enjoyed getting to know students from various universities and grades who share the same goal of starting a business” (sophomore)
  • I am going to work in the VC division of a trading company in the spring of next year. I am thinking of starting my own business in the future, so this was very useful for me” (2nd year master’s degree graduate student)

[GTIE SEP Kickoff Group Photo ]

[Lecturers ]

Takashi Tsutsumi

Representative Director, Startup Brain Inc.

Mr. Takashi Tsutsumi is the leader of the Lean Launchpad Educator Program in Japan.

His translations include “The Entrepreneur’s Textbook” and others.

[ Reference ].