
2023/12/13(Wed) 15:00~17:00

Wednesday, December 13, "4th Annual Academic Entrepreneurs Cafe - Overcoming Hard Things" Call for participants!

GTIE is holding a series of events for researchers to feel more familiar with startups as a means of social implementation of research results, which can be casually participated in.

For faculty members, young researchers, and students who are aware of the social implementation of their research, but have difficulty imagining themselves taking on the challenge of a start-up.

And to researchers who are already challenging start-ups

Why don’t you meet directly with researchers who are actually challenging startups and their supporters, and hear about various topics from the unique perspective of those involved in the research?

Meet new Academic Entrepreneurs through interaction with speakers and audience participants!

In this fourth session, we will welcome two speakers who have launched startups based on their research results and have overcome various hard singles.

The first is Mr. Yoon Woo-geun Yun, currently Corporate VP (Managing Director) of Samsung Electronics Co.

Mr. Yun is the world’s leading expert on robotic arms and was a senior researcher at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), where he founded Life Robotics, Inc. based on his achievements.

The second speaker is Professor Noritaka Miki, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University.

Mr. Miki has been engaged in research for medical and ICT applications based on micro/nano engineering, and is actively working on social implementation of his research results, such as founding LTaste Inc. in May 2017, which realizes a new type of salt reduction.

There will be a lot of exclusive discussions that can only be had in person! Please come and visit us in Tamachi.

Event Details:

[Date & Time ]December 13th (Wed) 15:00-17:00 (doors open at 14:45)

[Venue ] International Conference Room, 1F, Tamachi Campus, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2 minutes walk from Tamachi Station.

[Target ] Medical professionals, students, young researchers, teachers, and other professionals who are interested in start-up researchers.

[ Registration ]

Event: https://forms.gle/SAqMpBDnQfTpFB4MA

[ Guest ]

Mr. Yoon Woo-geun Yoon

Corporate VP (Managing Director), Samsung Electronics Co, Ltd.

Robotics researcher, entrepreneur and investor.

Born in Hyogo, Japan.

D. in Engineering from Tohoku University.

He has been engaged in robotics research for about 25 years, focusing on manipulation technology.

After working as an assistant at Tohoku University and a senior researcher at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), founded Life Robotics, an AIST-launched venture in 2007, selling the elbow-less collaborative robot CORO since 2016.

Fanuc acquired the company in 2018 and made it a wholly owned subsidiary.

Returned to AIST when his term as CEO & CTO expired.

At AIST, he also serves as a board member of Mercurial R4D and a part-time lecturer at Tokyo University of Science, among many other positions.

In 2021, he moved to Samsung Electronics in Korea and became Managing Director (Corporate VP).

In the DX division Global Technology Research, he is mainly engaged in the development of robots for production plants.

Noritaka Miki

Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University

D. in Mechanical and Information Engineering from the Graduate School of Engineering at the University of Tokyo in 2001. D. in Mechanical and Information Engineering from the University of Tokyo in 2001.

After working as a post-doctoral researcher and research engineer in the Department of Aerospace Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, he has been a professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology at Keio University since 2017.

Based on micro/nano engineering, he is carrying out research on applications in medicine and ICT.

Founded LTaste Inc. in May 2017, which realizes a new type of salt reduction, and was the 1st winning team of the Health and Medical Venture Award hosted by Keio University in 2016.

Special Prize in the 2020 Next Generation Leader Business Plan Contest for the Artificial Kidney Development Project.

He is also a representative of the Keio Program of GTIE and organizes the Keio Entrepreneurship Salon, and is making efforts in entrepreneurship education and internationalization as the chairman of the International Exchange Committee of Keio University’s Faculty of Science and Technology.

*Moderator Nao Hosokawa

D., Specially Appointed Associate Professor, Innovation Design Organization, Tokyo Institute of Technology

[Agenda ]

Part 1: Talks and Panel Discussion by Guests 15:00-16:30

Part 2: Opinion exchange with participants at the venue 16:30-17:00

Inquiry: GTIE Office, Tokyo Institute of Technology https://gtie.jp/en/contact/


1st Academic Entrepreneurs’ Cafe: Digest Video Event Report

2nd Academic Entrepreneurs’ Cafe: Digest Video Event Report

3rd Academic Entrepreneurs’ Cafe: Event Report