

12/8 (Fri.) 19:00 - NDEST Student Cafe - Let's Talk with Entrepreneurs Part 1: Mr. Akiyoshi Jinguashi, President, Spice Engine Co.

INDEST is an incubation office operated by Tokyo Institute of Technology on the Tamachi campus.
Under the concept of “fostering university-launched startups that change the world,” various events are currently being held.

The theme of this year’s event is [ INDEST Student Cafe – Let’s Talk with Entrepreneurs ].
Akira Jinguji, President of Spice Engine Corporation and Assistant Professor of Tokyo Institute of Technology’s Faculty of Engineering, Department of Information and Communication Engineering, will be our guest for the first session.

Mr. Jinguji started his own company a year ago with the aim of “creating the world’s fastest AI infrastructure,” which was his research theme, and has realized AI execution 21 times faster than GPUs. He is now working on developing AI technology to enable all users of AI technology to reason and learn freely and at the fastest speed possible.

His navigator was Shunsuke Taki, a second-year master’s student at Tokyo Tech’s School of Bioscience and Biotechnology, and community manager of Science Tokyo Biz, Tokyo Tech’s entrepreneurial/business community.

Mr. Taki founded the student co-working space “Attic Lab” on the 2nd floor of Taki Plaza in 2019, and founded “Science Tokyo Biz” in April of this year as an activity to “make entrepreneurship and students seamless”.

If you are vaguely interested in entrepreneurship, if you want to rethink your future career, if you want to think about social implementation of your research, etc., please come and join us.
We hope to have a lively INDEST Cafe Talk with these students, along with the two wonderful speakers. We look forward to seeing you there!

Details: https://www.idp.ori.titech.ac.jp/event-news/4170/

-Date: Friday, December 8, 2023, 19:00-21:00 (on-site participation only)

-Organizer: INDEST, Cooperation: Science Tokyo Biz

-Location: INDEST 4F Lounge (tentative)

Theme: INDEST Student Cafe – Let’s talk with entrepreneurs

-Capacity: First 20 participants on site (local event only)

-Target: Tokyo Tech students, GTIE related university students
Students from universities other than the above

-Application: https://forms.gle/e6oeWpit5AL5bw6T9