

Students interested in participating in the GTIE Student Entrepreneurship Program (GTIE-SEP) 2024 Lean Launchpad Training are invited to apply!

The Greater Tokyo Innovation Ecosystem (GTIE) is a platform for 19 universities and research institutions in the Tokyo metropolitan area that aims to nurture entrepreneurial talent and develop university-based startups that will change the world.
The GTIE Student Entrepreneurship Program 2024 (GTIE SEP2024), an entrepreneurship education program for students from all 14 universities participating in the GTIE Entrepreneurship Education Program, will be implemented again this year.

The Lean Launchpad training program being offered this year uses the “Lean Launchpad” program for new business development and entrepreneurship training proposed by Steve Blank, a serial entrepreneur from Silicon Valley in the United States.
We invite you to experience not only how to start a business, but also how to realize your own “what you want to do”. Whether you are a first-time entrepreneur or a second-time entrepreneur, you will discover something new. We encourage you to apply.
We are looking forward to your valuable experience and many encounters through the training. We look forward to your participation.

*This training program is open to the following 14 universities.
Tokyo University, Waseda University, Tokyo Institute of Technology, University of Tsukuba, Chiba University, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Ochanomizu University, Kanagawa University of Health and Welfare, Yokohama National University, Yokohama City University, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Keio University, Tokyo Metropolitan University, and Shibaura Institute of Technology.

GTIE Student Entrepreneurship Program (GTIE-SEP) 2024 Schedule

-Target Participants
Students interested in entrepreneurship education, solving social problems, and entrepreneurship

-Application deadline
Monday, September 2, 2024, noon (strictly enforced)
*Applications are now closed.

-Application Form

*In addition to the above application form
*In addition to the above application form, please submit a PDF file with the above file name as the representative’s name_affiliated university, and “Other Materials” (maximum of 5 slides such as PowerPoint) to the box below.

-Submission address (BOX)
h ttps://
*Please upload the files to the box below.
*After submission, please send them to the GTIE Secretariatまで提出完了のご連絡をお願いします.

-Program Outline:
1. group training (4 sessions)
2. number of applicants: up to 8 teams or up to 28 students (about 4 students per team is recommended)
3. target of application: students enrolled in GTIE universities (undergraduate and graduate students)

-Date and time of training implementation:
1. Tuesday, September 10, 2024, 10:00~16:00
2. Saturday, October 5, 2024, 13:30~17:30
Saturday, November 23, 2025, 14:00~18:00
4. January 11, 2025 (Monday) 10:00~15:00
* Date and time have been fixed.

-Details (tentative)
1. development of the core hypothesis of the business
Understanding the overall flow of business development
Examine what to offer to whom and what to get paid for . 2.
2. verification of core hypothesis
Verify that there are people who will buy the product . 3.

 3. building and testing the overall business model hypothesis
Consider the business model of the product
Confirm that the business model is viable . 4 .

 4. verification of profitability and preparation of pitch materials
Create a profitable business model and confirm that it is profitable .
Create pitch materials

-Training venue (tentative):
Tokyo Tech Tamachi Campus
h ttps://

*There is no fee to participate in this program. However, participants are responsible for their own transportation and communication expenses to and from domestic venues.