

The 1st Academic Entrepreneurs' Cafe - What's Starting to Happen in Japan, Around the World, and in the Laboratory Next to Yours - was held!

The 1st Academic Entrepreneurs’ Cafe – What’s Starting to Happen in Japan, Around the World, and in the Laboratory Next to Yours” was held on September 7, 2023 at INDEST, Tokyo Tech Tamachi Campus.

The event was attended by over 30 people, including more than 20 university-related personnel. Since it was a face-to-face event, many people stayed until the end of the event to actively communicate with each other. As the organizer of the event, we were more than happy if everyone who attended the event was able to take away even a single insight or encounter from the event.

The Academic Entrepreneurs’ Café was started as a series of events for researchers to feel more familiar with startups as a means of implementing research results in society.

We hope that you will feel more familiar with startups as a means of implementing your research results in society.

How will a startup challenge affect my research?

The answers to these questions are probably held by researchers who have already taken on the challenge of a start-up.

Of course, there is more than one answer to that question.

We hope that participants will meet many researchers who are challenging start-ups from a variety of perspectives, and that they will take away new insights of their own from their experiences.

In this memorable first session, entitled “What’s Happening in Japan, Around the World, and in Your Neighbor’s Laboratory,” three distinguished guests took the stage.

The first was Yuya Nishimura, CEO of Essence Inc., which operates a media company that connects research knowledge to society, and also serves as an invited professor for the Social Solutions Initiative at Osaka University.

The second is Mr. Masaru Nakura, Director of CIC Institute, one of the largest startup hubs in Japan, and a specially-appointed professor at Tokyo Institute of Technology’s Innovation Design Organization.

The third is Kenta Iyogi, Lecturer at the Department of Chemical Systems Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo. He is now challenging the start-up business as a CSO.

The event started with a talk session in which the guests introduced themselves and spoke passionately about what they wanted to share with researchers.

In the panel discussion that followed, there was a lively discussion on topics unique to universities, such as the role of basic research and the humanities in academic entrepreneurship.

Video clips of the talk session and panel discussion will be available online at a later date. If you were unfortunately unable to attend this year’s event and would like to listen to the talks again, please watch the videos!

Click here for the video viewing site.

*Please click here to register to watch the full-length video.

*Click here to watch the full video.

The next Academic Entrepreneurs’ Cafe will be held on Friday, October 6, from 4:00 p.m. at INDEST, Tokyo Tech Tamachi Campus. Please join us.

(Information on the 2nd Academic Entrepreneurs’ Cafe )

Finally, we would like to thank the GTIE staff and speakers for their efforts in organizing the first event, the researchers who provided valuable input in the planning stages, and everyone who helped make this event possible.

*Event Details:

  • [Date ]September 7 (Thursday), 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. (doors open at 2:30 p.m.)
    [Venue ]INDEST 4F Lounge (in Tamachi Campus of Tokyo Tech) 1 minute walk from Tamachi Station
  • [Target ] Students, young researchers, faculty members, and other working people who are interested in researchers challenging startups.
  • [ Guest ]
    Yuya Nishimura, President, Essence Corporation, Invited Professor, Social Solutions Initiative, Osaka University
    Masaru Nakura, Director, CIC Institute, Specially Appointed Professor, Innovation Design Organization, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Ph.
  • Kenta Iyogi, Lecturer, Department of Chemical Systems Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo; Director, CSO, Planet Savers K.K.; Ph.
    [Agenda ]
    Part 1: Guest talk and panel discussion 15:00-16:00
    Part 2: Opinion exchange with participants at the venue 16:00-17:00

GTIE Tokyo Tech Office (Nao Hosokawa)